Relax and Unwind!

The last few days have been super stressful and tiring for me so what better way to unwind than a good book and a refreshing drink! Seriously, Fruitio Mango is so good! It’s like drinking a mango straight out of a glass. Yum! This definitely makes Fruitio Mango my favourite Fruitio flavour!🍹


Plus this book is fantastic for learning the basics of meditation and mindfulness if any of you are interested! I find that meditation and mindfulness really help to de-stress and calm down. I’ll write more soon!✌🏼

How do you like to unwind? Do let me know in the comments below! ^_^

11 thoughts on “Relax and Unwind!

  1. Unwind? People ask me that often. As a mum of two active children I don’t know how to do that anymore lol. From the days bygone I remember a good book and a cup of coffee😍


  2. Oh man, as a mother of two toddlers, the relaxing seems few and far in between! On the off chance that my kids are sleeping at the same time and I have some time to myself, a nice got tea and catching up with old friends really changes my mood. Cheers!


  3. OOOH YUMMY!!! That Mango juice looks so delicious. I know that feeling of being too busy, too stressed and tired. I myself love reading to unwind, but I have just not had a chance to grab myself a good read yet. That is a great choice of reading material you have there, love it.


  4. I’ve learned to block out me time. So I wake up before about 30 minutes before everyone else. Then I meditate, do yoga, exercise, and write in my journal. I’ve been doing this for almost a year and it’s been a total game changer to my life.


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