Blogging tips!

Hello Hello Everybody!

I hope all of you had an amazing weekend. I also hope that Monday isn’t sucking the life out of you guys too much! If it is, let’s sign a petition to skip Mondays! Like who needs Mondays anyways, right? 

Aw well…until this proposition sees the light of day, I’ll share with you guys something that happened over the weekend.

There’s a group on Facebook by the name of Wings to Women. It’s basically a career related support group where women post job opportunities, ask questions, form discussions related to jobs, entrepreneurship, etc. etc. So this one girl who wishes to start her own blog asked for blogging tips, how to start? What to do? Although, it hasn’t been long since I’ve become a part of the blogosphere, there are a bunch of things I’ve learned in the last few months about blogging. I would also like to give a shout out to this amazing blog post by DGGYST, that inspired me to help people who are thinking about starting a blog or have already started but wish to grow!

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So…here’s my response to her question on how to be an awesome blogger!

Writing Skills

You need to have impeccable writing skills. I’m not saying that your writing should be flowery and full of big words but good grammar and punctuation is key. People who read notice these things, I do and no matter how good the content is, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors put me off so much!

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Find Your Passion

You need to find your passion and interests and be able to write about it. This is your first step in order to figure out your blog’s entire look, tone of voice, target audience and more. Trust me, it shows if you’re not passionate about what you’re writing. You know what they say…

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Work Your Fingers to the Bone

Contrary to popular belief, blogging involves a lot of hard work, so be prepared to work your fingers to the bone. You’ll have to be the content creator, writer, editor, designer, photographer, maintainer of your website and social media platforms and basically be the jack of all trades and master them all .  However, do remember to take help from relevant resources and people. How else will you learn?

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Have the Patience of a Saint

Blogging also involves patience and perseverance. Don’t expect to have a following overnight. However, if your content is awesome, rest assured, you will eventually gain loyal readership and followers.


Strive for Progress not Perfection

Once you start, you will only get better if you stick to it wholeheartedly so don’t fret over trying to perfect everything from get-go. Just keep blogging and keep thinking of more ideas for future blog posts. However, do ask people around for feedback, your partner, friends, family, readers, followers, everyone! You will be surprised how much you will learn and improve in the process. I believe that progress does eventually lead to perfection!

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Be a YOUnique Blogger 

Last but not the least, like everything else in life, do not compare yourself with other bloggers. Be yourself (as clichéd as it may sound). There’s no need to copy other bloggers and get into unnecessary competition, that’s just bad for creativity. One of my favourite instagrammers and letterers, homsweethom says: “Scarcity makes us act out of fear; abundance makes us act out of love 💕. That is SO true. It’s amazing how a little mind shift can change your entire perspective. I follow this myself and it puts me at so much ease knowing that there’s enough room for everyone. Know that you will bring something unique to the blogosphere and have your own readership. Just be true to yourself and your followers. 

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I hope you found this blog post helpful, guys! If you have any more queries, feel free to get in touch with me! Do leave a comment with a link to your blog, I’d love to check it out! Thanks for reading! ^_^

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9 thoughts on “Blogging tips!

  1. I think striving for progress has been the best thing for me. I feel happy in my blogging because of my own growth in skill not the views I get. It is really nice 🙂


    1. I know what you mean. I used to struggle with this so much initially and had this fixation of having everything to be perfect. I’m a graphic designer so I had this added pressure of having perfect illustrations to accompany my blog posts. Whew! It feels so much better to overcome that and just do my best at any given time 🙂


  2. There’s so much in here that I really relate to, and I love the elevator quote. Patience and working hard are essential, especially for most of us who start out without really knowing all it takes to make a successful blog. It really helps you get trough the tough times to celebrate little victories

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I’m glad to know that you can relate to these tips. Starting out is the most difficult phase in my opinion but it only gets better with time. All the best for your blog! ^_^

      Liked by 1 person

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